Wednesday, September 14, 2016

What to do with pillows? Some inspiration

Pillows come in different sizes and colours and patterns. Some of them are big enough to keep you company and offer comfort after a busy day at work, some may just catch some big dirty or destroyed corners or just to bring some life to a room. Here are a couple of ideas about how to use them. The samples of pillows where photographed during a recent visit to the German city of Osnabrück.
The pillow is a very mobile accessorize. You can change its location either in the room or in the house. The bigger ones can be just placed on the floor for watching your favourite TV series or for playing something interesting with your kids.
I personally prefer the pillows with a changeable cover. Thus, with a minimal investment, you can bring change into your room. In this picture, I am very much in love with the velvet covers, which are so elegant. Such a texture suits very well a lavish bedroom but also the living room.
Particularly for small children, the pillows can provide many funny activities and be a source of inspiration. The funny images can push forward their imagination without borders. However, funny covers aren't only for children, If you are a couple or individual with a good sense of humour, your pillow cover can be a healthy source of well being. I do have at home both variants, with the rectangular ones for the night sleep, and the squared for the decorations. The round ones are, in my opinion, well suited for sitting, but do have a decorative value as well.
The rectangular pillows are elegant and inviting, while the square ones can be a bit possesive and selfish. As in the case of matrasses, it is recommended to buy the best in terms of medical and health recommendations. Who wants to wake up with a bad head day?

What about you? What are your pillow choices?

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