Thursday, April 6, 2017

Milk banana blueberry smoothie (or raw pudding) with rose water

This recipe can be used in two different ways, depending on the amount of milk you want to use. For instance, if you use more than 125 ml. of milk, it turns into a smoothie. In the case of a lesser amount, with the other ingredients unchanged, you have to pour the final result in a bowl and serve it as a pudding.
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Serves 2
1 big banana
100 gr. blueberries
1 tablespoon white sugar
1 tablespoon rose water
milk - either 125 ml. or 250 ml.
Mix all the ingredients in a blender for around 2 minutes at maximum speed.
Add some blueberries or/and coconut shreds for decoration.
Keep it in the fridge for around 45 minutes.
It has a special consistency and a beautiful color, and the rose water adds a distinguished perfume. 

Bon Appetit!

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