Saturday, January 11, 2014

Beauty corner: home made face mask

My mother rarely used expensive cosmetics, but her face looked till her early 60s without wrinkles and always fresh. She haven't been to beauty parlours either, but still, taking care of her face was her daily priority and she taught us from an early age that for a woman, the face is a precious asset that we should take care of. 
I haven't followed her advice too often and I rather prefer to book an hour or professional cosmetics than to look for my own tips. After all, I am working all round the year and at least once in a while I should offer myself little beauty presents.
However, in the last months, I got more interest in more healthy and beauty tips and I am right now in process of trying various masks and easy wellness ideas that can be prepared at home.
Part of my resolution, I discovered in the December issue of Women's Day an interesting and extremely easy recipe of face mask that answers many of the challenges of the winter time.

First, I started by cleaning the face with my Rival de Loop wet napkins and let my skin to relax till I added the ingredients, as follows:

1 tbsp. honey
Honey is a valuable ingredient for many face care products. Among others, it slows down the process of ageing, it moistures and brings glow to the skin while it also opens the pores.

1 tbsp. coconut water  
I don't like the taste of it, but it has several important benefits for the skin, such as anti-ageing, moisturising, improves the oxygen circulation, counter the oily skin and contributes to the treatment of acne and blemishes.

1 tbsp. liquid glycerine
As my pharmacist clarified, it is highly recommended for improving the skin hydration.

1 egg
Eggs are commonly used as ingredients of various face masks, mostly for their strong concentration of derivatives of vitamin B and its contribution to strengthening of the skin tissue.

I mixed all the ingredients for 1 minute and started to apply it on the skin and neck (a part that I often forget to include on the checking-beauty list). Waited for 20-25 minutes and after rinsed with water. Be careful with cleaning, as the honey may insist to stay longer on your face. 

After a couple of minutes, the skin looked shining and relaxed and very smooth and it continues to be so two days after applying it.

The costs of one time mask is ridiculously cheap, as the price for the entire basket of ingredients is less than 10 EUR and most probably I can use them every week for at least 2 months.  

It suits every type of skin and can offer equally a good summer skin protection. Given the fast and long standing effects, I expect to include this mask as part of my Friday fix from a good time from now.

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