Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Where to keep your recipes?

Browsing the shelves of a bookstore those days, I found out some nice things, reminding me of my childhood. My mother used to keep a lot of recipes, written by hand, copied from various books or reviews, in colourful binded notebooks. There were not the Moleskine I am addicted too, but common notebooks, ennobilated by her writings and notes.

In the favorite one is this nice "Meine liebsten Rezepte", Bassermann Verlag, 2009. An oldies but goldies classical cover, where you could share 89 recipes. The content is set at the beginning and you can further organize it on categories: Fish, Meat, Salats, Vegetables, Desserts, Cookies, Marmelades, Fast meals...One page is dedicated to the measures. For each recipe, you can mention the details for the number of persons, ingredients, preparation time, observations. From the editor, for each recipe you have a smart tip. 
The other one, "Lieblingsrezepte fur dich" is having a childish design, colourful pages and allow you to save only 50 recipes. You don't have a content page, but there are almost the same categories organizing the booklet, plus the tips. 

Time ago, those recipes used to be transmitted from a generation to another, a testimony of the tradition and the need to keep it. We don't write too often and we forget sometimes that we have an obligation to offer part of our heritage to our children. But, if we really want to, we have this opportunity and the two nice notebooks I discovered blushed my optimism.

Or maybe we'll transmit to our children a link to our cooking blog? Why not?
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