Saturday, May 7, 2016

How to break free from narcissists

Why are we attracted to toxic relationships ? What push us to repeat the same experience over and over again although each and every time we end up devastated? How can we break free from narcissist men that are eating out precious life and energy? 
Based on her experience as clinical psychologist, Candace V. Love is going to the roots of the phenomenon: what element from our evolution from childhood onwards made possible the attraction towards self-absorbed, self-serving narcissist partners. Such relationships do have a common pattern: start right but 'turns bitter with disappointment'. The men are nice and supportive and sometimes with a good financial status too. But they can change from a day to another into opressive tyrans and besides the smiling mask a psycho can easily hide. None of the promises of love and appreciation are fulfilled and once set for a marriage and children, a separation seems almost impossible and spending the rest of lie in suffering and frustration a high probability. Such narcissistic are killing you softly and getting back into dating should be done slowly, only after the proper therapy was followed. 'Narcissistic men need their partner to look and act on a certain way because their partners are merely ''a reflection'' and extension of them'. They 'cannot stick with a partner who challenges hem or disagrees with them'.
No More Narcissists! is a very helpful and systematic book about this phenomenon. It analyses case-studies and explores the family psychological dynamic. More often, the victims of narcissists grew up dealing with various degrees of emotional distress and for each typology there are specific relationship life-traps associated. Besides the analyses, the book contains useful exercises and tests aiming to identify various situations and recommending the ways out of them as well as for identifying your core beliefs. 
The focus of the book is exclusively on women and does not cover the eventual reasons and genesis of the narcissistic behavior by women which most likely has the same family root. However, women can be narcissists and dominant too.
Available to order from June 1st, it is a book recommended to anyone decided to break up from specific relationship patterns that prove to be dramatically and heartbreakingly wrong. Therapy is the next logical step to follow, but until then, you may realize where do you stand and how important is to change your dating and sentimental life.
Disclaimer: Book offered by the publisher via

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