Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Beauty Review: Rival de Loop Beauty Capsules

I previously reviewed beauty capsules and I was relatively excited about the results and concept. It is a minimal time investment, the prices are modest too and the results more than satisfactory. 
The last week, I tried a new product, the beauty capsules by Rival de Loop, the beauty brand of the giant German drugstore chain Rossmann. I was always happy with their products and some of them are really recommended for long term use. 
The Perfect Teint Beauty Capsules can be used for one week, one capsule for every day of the week. I did it early in the morning, before applying make-up, and waiting around 15 minutes until doing it. The results were, although for medium-term, meaning until the next use, more than satisfactory. The skin was looking shining, relaxed and tonified, therefore I might consider to continue the treatment as it is a perfect win-win situation. I particularly loved the matified effect on the skin, which feels so silky.
The liquid contained in the capsules is enough for covering the face and the neck. I recommend to apply it on a clean skin. It works for any kind of skin type. The main ingredients are argan oil - one of my favorite beauty ingredients - and ginger extract, a substance which is relatively less known for its benefic effects on skin, besides the medical use. Ginger has 40 antioxidant compounds, which make it a perfect anti-aging remedy. It also contributed to remove the toxins, stimulating the circulation and therefore improving the skin elasticity.
I full recommend Rival de Loop Beatuy Capsules, which deserves a long lasting place in my beauty closet. 

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